Meet Camila Bassi
Camila Bassi is a human geography academic. Her principal research interests are the geographies of ‘race’, ethnicity and sexuality, and Marxist geographies. Camila’s doctoral research in Birmingham (UK) and later research in Shanghai concern the navigation of sexual and ethnic minority existence in urban political economy.
She has also published academic critiques of the revolutionary left vanguard of England’s anti-war movement and the historical U-turns in the Marxist politics of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. More recently, Camila has explored the political deadlock between radical feminists and transgender activists on the question of trans rights, and has written about the mental health crisis in the neoliberal university.
Camila has been a political activist on the British Left since 1996. Her blog, Anaemic on a Bike, contains a range of posts which synthesize her academic ideas with wider political currents.

What happens when a whole country is on WhatsApp and the Defense Minister gets fried by a corrupt prime minister. Watch with the sound on.
If at least one good thing comes from tonight it will hopefully finally kill the idea that liberals veering to the center was ever anything but capitulation to fascism.
An Iranian woman at an University in Tehran has been arrested for protesting wearing only underwear after being assaulted by morality police.
Women Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی
May flights of angels sing thee triumphantly to thy rest Dr @JaneyGodley
You have done so much good in the world and left it the better for having been here ♥️
A sad moment.
💥Every damn day. Anti-government protesters in Tel Aviv ask "Who needs Halloween? Every day here is a horror."
(Yael Gadot)
THIS is the erasure of women
Not inclusive language or inclusive spaces, but the actual silencing of women's voices
We must speak up for them
💥Do not miss Gen (ret) Yitzhak Brik describing the Netanyahu government's systematic destruction of the Israeli state. (Credit: @UnxeptableD)